About Us

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To sustain a stimulating learning environment for all women which identifies their innate talents & potential and encourages
them to polish it with vocational and educational training courses enabling them to be useful not only at home but also
outdoors and contribute towards their social and economic advancement.
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To prepare our female students for employment and to assist them in making educational and career decisions.

Our Profile

Green Island Youth Forum (GIYF) is a child chapter of Green Island Trust (GIT). GIYF is working since June 2008. for strengthening the spiritual, moral, educational, financial, social & cultural grooming of the youth. From a mere start of organizing couple of indoor games, the Forum has AlhamdoLillah grown horizontally and vertically of organizing fitness, religious gatherings to educational coaching. GIYF soon caught the attention of the masses by organizing Manqabat competitions, Career Guidance seminars as well as events where youth are provided with the opportunity to interact with society’s legends in an informal environment.

Details of such activities are:

Sports Activities:

Other religious, social and developmental activities:

With only few years on and the journey just begun and the bag has become full of achievements. But the real feather in our cap is your kind appreciation and support that you place with us morally, financially and physically.

Trustee’s Message


In the name of ALLAH
Dear Brothers and Sisters

By the grace of the Almighty, the Youth Forum family has been accomplishing its due role in nourishment of intellectual and physical fitness needs of the youth. Starting from sports, fitness, religious gatherings to educational coaching, GIYF also joined the veterans by organizing Manqabat competitions, Career Guidance seminars as well as events to provide the youth an opportunity to rub their shoulders with society’s legends in “Bethak”. All this has become possible due to the continued support of our well wisher that will insha Allah keep increasing with the passage of time.

One genuine expansion of GIYF domain was the provision of Women Wing which is successfully operating from 9 to 12 noon & 4 to 7 pm. daily at its separate venue situated at GIWW, PLOT NO. 143, RAHEEN AVENUE, G-1, SOLDIER BAZAR NO.2, KARACHI.

In accordance with one of the objectives of establishing the Forum, physical fitness and activities remain the most focused area. Sports play a vital role in the youth’s psychological, mental and physical growth. The platform provided by GIYF

induces patience, discipline and teamwork when the youth participate in healthy sports activities organized daily, weekly and on annual basis in the form of Sports Festival.

I sincerely hope the endeavors that the youngsters are putting for this cause would be fruitful and encouraging for them and they would receive admiration from one and all and blessings from the Almighty.

May Allah guide our journey towards success, Ameen!

Ghulam Raza Roohani

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